
Welcome to Run On Web, a comprehensive web-based platform designed to streamline and simplify your business operations. Whether you are managing sales, purchases, stocks, orders, expenses, staff, billing, or customer and supplier information, Run On Web offers a user-friendly interface to help you stay organized and efficient.
This guide provides detailed instructions to help you get started and make the most out of the platform.

Features Overview

  • Sales and Purchases Management - Track and manage all sales and purchase activities with ease.

  • Stock Management- Maintain real-time inventory records and monitor stock levels.

  • Order Management- Process and track orders efficiently.

  • Expense Tracking- Record and analyze expenses to monitor business performance.

  • Staff Management- Manage staff roles, permissions, and activities.

  • Billing System- Generate invoices and manage payments seamlessly.

  • Customer Management- Store and manage customer details and interactions.

  • Supplier Management- Maintain supplier records and purchase histories.

Logging In

  1. Visit the website at [URL].

  2. Click on the Getting Started link to create a new Organization, Main Branch, and Admin user.

  3. Fill in the required details:

    • Organization Information: Enter Organization Name and Tag Line.

    • Main Branch Information: Provide Branch Name, Branch Address, Currency, Working Hours per Day, and Working Days per Week.

    • Admin User Information: Enter Name, Username, Password, Confirm Password, Phone Number, and Email.

  4. Click the Register button.

  5. Log in to your email and click the verification link to verify your account.

  6. The verification link will redirect you to the login page.

  7. Set your Username and Password to log in.

  8. Click the Log In button.

  9. Choose to log in to either the Branch or Organization.

  10. Click the Register button.

Dashboard Overview

The dashboard provides an overview of system activities and operations.

Types of Logins

  1. Organization Login- Access and manage organization-level settings and data.

  2. Branch Login- Manage specific branch-level activities and records.

Organization Login

  1. Menus: Dashboard, Branch, and User.

  2. Organization Dashboard:

    • View sales reports.

    • Branch-wise sales, Branch-wise orders, Branch-wise customers, and Branch-wise suppliers reports displayed using charts.

  3. Branch Menu:

    • View branch list.

    • Create a new branch.

    • Edit existing branches.

    • Set a branch to active or inactive.

    • Creating a New Branch:

      1. Click the New Branch button

      2. Fill out the form with the following details:

        1. Branch Name

        2. Phone Number

        3. Alternate Phone Number

        4. Email

        5. Address

        6. GST Number

        7. Registration Number

        8. Employer Identification Number (EIN)

        9. Dun & Bradstreet (B&D) Number

        10. Industry Code

        11. Currency

        12. Working Hours per Day

        13. Working Days per Week

        14. Show Profile

      3. Click the Add button to create the branch.

  4. User Menu:

    • Menus: User List, Create New User, Edit, Delete, and Set User Active/Inactive.

    • Creating a New User:

      1. Click the New User button.

      2. Fill out the form with the following details:

        1. Name

        2. Username

        3. Password

        4. Confirm Password

        5. Select Role (Admin, Manager, Supervisor, Worker)

        6. Phone Number

        7. Email

        8. Address

        9. Payment Rate

        10. Select Payment Term (Hour, Day, Week, Month)

        11. Access To (Select which branch the user can access)

      3. Click the Add button to create the user.

Branch Login

  1. Menus: Dashboard, Category, Purchase, Sale, Order, Supplier, Customer, Transfer, Stock, and User.

  2. Branch Dashboard:

    • User swipe-in/swipe-out button.

    • Displays counts for:

      1. Sales

      2. Purchases

      3. Orders

      4. Suppliers

      5. Customers

      6. Products

    • Pending Transactions (for users)

    • Active Workers

    • Charts displaying:

      1. Sales

      2. Stock Count

      3. Product Sales

      4. Category Sales

      5. Top Selling Products

      6. Orders

      7. Out-of-Stock Products

      8. Product Orders

      9. Category Orders

      10. Top Buying Customers

      11. Top Selling Worker

      12. Top Buying Worker

      13. Pending Bills

  3. Branch Menu:

    • View branch list.

    • Create a new branch.

    • Edit existing branches.

    • Set a branch to active or inactive.

    • Creating a New Branch:

      1. Click the New Branch button

      2. Fill out the form with the following details:

        1. Branch Name

        2. Phone Number

        3. Alternate Phone Number

        4. Email

        5. Address

        6. GST Number

        7. Registration Number

        8. Employer Identification Number (EIN)

        9. Dun & Bradstreet (B&D) Number

        10. Industry Code

        11. Currency

        12. Working Hours per Day

        13. Working Days per Week

        14. Show Profile

      3. Click the Add button to create the branch.

  4. User Menu:

    • Menus: User List, Create New User, Edit, Delete, and Set User Active/Inactive.

    • Creating a New User:

      1. Click the New User button.

      2. Fill out the form with the following details:

        1. Name

        2. Username

        3. Password

        4. Confirm Password

        5. Select Role (Admin, Manager, Supervisor, Worker)

        6. Phone Number

        7. Email

        8. Address

        9. Payment Rate

        10. Select Payment Term (Hour, Day, Week, Month)

        11. Access To (Select which branch the user can access)

      3. Click the Add button to create the user.


  1. Go to the Category menu.

  2. View the list of categories.

  3. Create a New Category

    • Click the New Category button.

    • Fill out the form with:

      1. Name

      2. Description

    • Click the Add button to create the category.

  4. Edit or Delete Categories as required.

  5. Import Categories using the import option.

  6. Export Categories using export or export all options.

  7. Download a Template for Import to prepare bulk category data.


  1. Go to the Product menu.

  2. View the list of products.

  3. Create a New Product

    • Click the New Product button.

    • Fill out the form with:

      1. Select Category

      2. Product Code

      3. Name

      4. Unit Cost

      5. Unit Price

      6. Labour Cost per Unit

      7. Tax Percentage

      8. Store (how many products in store)

      9. Counter (how many products in counter)

      10. Description

      11. Variants (same product varied by extra price)

    • Click the Add button to create the Product.

  4. Edit or Delete Products as required.

  5. Import Products using the import option.

  6. Export Products using export or export all options.

  7. Download a Template for Import to prepare bulk Product data.


  1. Go to the Purchase menu.

  2. View the list of purchases.

  3. Create a New Purchase

    • Click the New Purchase button.

    • Fill out the form with:

      1. Purchase Date

      2. Select Supplier (click the + icon to create a new Supplier)

      3. Select Product (click the + icon to create a new product)

      4. Quantity

      5. Unit Cost

      6. Unit Price

      7. Discount

      8. Amount Paid

      9. Select Location (Store or Counter)

      10. Notes

    • Click the Add button to create the Purchase.

  4. Edit or Delete Purchases as required.


  1. Go to the Sales menu.

  2. View the list of Sales.

  3. Create a New Sales

    • Click the New Sales button.

    • Fill out the form with:

      1. Sale Date

      2. Select Type (Retail, Wholesale, Commission)

      3. Select Customer (click the + icon to create a new customer)

      4. Select Product (click the + icon to create a new product)

      5. Loading Charge

      6. Unloading Charge

      7. Transport Charge

      8. Tax Discount

      9. Payment Type (Cash, Card, UPI)

      10. Note

      11. Amount Received

    • Click the Add button to create the Sales.

  4. Edit or Delete Sales as required.


  1. Go to the Orders menu.

  2. View the list of Orders.

  3. Create a New Order

    • Click the New Order button.

    • Fill out the form with:

      1. Order Date

      2. Select Stage

      3. Select Customer (click the + icon to create a new customer)

      4. Select Product (click the + icon to create a new product)

      5. Loading Charge

      6. Unloading Charge

      7. Transport Charge

      8. Tax Discount

      9. Payment Type (Cash, Card, UPI)

      10. Note

      11. Amount Received

    • Click the Add button to create the Order.

  4. Edit or Delete Order as required.


  1. Go to the Supplier menu.

  2. View the list of Supplier.

  3. Create a New Supplier

    • Click the New Supplier button.

    • Fill out the form with:

      1. Name

      2. Phone number

      3. Email

      4. Address

    • Click the Add button to create the Supplier.

  4. Edit or Delete Supplier as required.

  5. Import Supplier using the import option.

  6. Export Supplier using export or export all options.

  7. Download a Template for Import to prepare bulk Supplier data.


  1. Go to the Customer menu.

  2. View the list of Customer.

  3. Create a New Customer

    • Click the New Customer button.

    • Fill out the form with:

      1. Name

      2. Phone number

      3. Email

      4. Address

      5. Date of Birth

    • Click the Add button to create the Customer.

  4. Edit or Delete Customer as required.

  5. Import Customer using the import option.

  6. Export Customer using export or export all options.

  7. Download a Template for Import to prepare bulk Customer data.


  1. Go to the Transfer menu.

  2. View the list of Transfer.

  3. Create a New Transfer

    • Click the New Transfer button.

    • Fill out the form with:

      1. Select Product (click the + icon to create a new product)

      2. Quantity

      3. Select Source location

    • Click the Add button to create the Transfer.


  1. Go to the Stock menu.

  2. View the list of Stock.

  3. Add a Stock:

    • Click the Add button.

    • Fill out the form with:

      1. Date

      2. Select product

      3. Quantity

      4. Unit cost

      5. Unit price

      6. Select location

    • Click the Add button to Add a Stock.

  4. Remove a Stock:

    • Click the Remove button.

    • Fill out the form with:

      1. Date

      2. Select product

      3. Quantity

      4. Select location

    • Click the Add button to Remove a Stock.

  5. Edit or Delete Stock as required.


  1. List of User in current branch.

  2. In branch login permission to access List of User and user views.

User Veiw

Menus in User View

  • Attendance

  • work Log

  • Salary

  • Transactions

  • Attendance

    • Swipe In/Swipe Out button.

    • Export attendance log as a CSV file.

    • List user attendance (Entry Time, Exit Time, and Duration).

  • work Log

    • List of work Logs done by the user.

    • Creating a New Work Log:

    • Creating a New Work Log

      • Click the New Work Log button.

      • Fill out the form with:

        1. Date

        2. Select Product

        3. Labour Cost per Unit

        4. Quantity

        5. Amount


      • Click the Add button to create the category.

    • Export salary history using export options.

  • Salary

    • List of salary history.

    • Export salary history using export options.

    • Calculating Salary

      • Click the Calculating Salary button.

      • List two salary calculation

        1. Salary by Attendance

        2. Salary by Worklog

      • Enter Bonus and Deduction amounts.

      • Click the Approve Salary button to calculate the salary.

  • Transactions

    • List transaction history.

    • Display Total Amount to Pay and Total Amount to Receive.

    • To amount pay for user

      • Click the Pay button.

      • Fill out the form with:

        1. Date

        2. Amount


      • Click the Pay button to process the payment.

    • Amount Receive from user

      • Click the Receive button.

      • Fill out the form with:

        1. Date

        2. Amount


      • Click the Receive button to process the payment.

    • Export Transactions using export options.